Police Pension Scheme Communication Priorities and Principles

The following communication priorities and principles underpin the partnership working between the SPPA and Policing colleagues in support of the Police Pension Scheme.

Communication priorities

  • Increase regular engagement with our various external stakeholders – including the employers, members and their representatives, Pension Boards, etc.
  • Build confidence for our members and stakeholders through continuous engagement and the delivery of timely, easily understood and up-to-date information.
  • Improve how we deliver and engage with members and external stakeholders on police pensions including 2015 Remedy information.
  • Deliver a source of truth providing members a single reference point to access the same information on police pensions.

Communication principles


The communications and engagement approach will be coordinated with partners from Policing in Scotland to ensure it is joined up, effective and utilises the best channels and methodologies.


Messages will be tailored for this audience to respond to the distinct and specific communications and engagement requirements identified with Policing partners.


Communications will be delivered clearly, concisely and timeously.


The communications and engagement approach will be delivered in an open and transparent way with this tone of voice maintained in communications with members.


The communications and engagement approach will be delivered in collaboration with policing partners to ensure all the above principles are effectively actioned.

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