Ready for Retirement

When you retire, we’ll offer you a choice between your final salary benefits and your CARE benefits for your service between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022. This is called the Remedy period.

These are sometimes known as ‘legacy’ benefits and ‘reformed’ benefits.

All Police members started building up pension in the CARE scheme from 1 April 2022, regardless of their previous protection.

As part of your retirement application, we’ll send you a choice letter, known as a Remediable Service Statement (RSS). This will show your pension benefits side-by-side in your final salary and CARE scheme for the Remedy period, to help you decide which option is the right one for you.

We'll start offering members this choice on retirement from October 2023.

If you request an estimate before applying to retire, this will not be a dual estimate. Retirement estimates with full remedy period benefits in either the final salary or CARE schemes will be available once legislation and software is in place in late 2023.

In the meantime, our 2015 Remedy calculator can provide you with an illustration of your final salary and CARE scheme benefits.

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